Haley McInnis

Haley McInnis


Deadlift: 255

Murph: 48:20

Power Clean: 135

Squat: 205


CrossFit Level 1 Certification


CPR Certification

About Coach

Growing up I played every sport I could, Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, Track & Field, Swimming, and even Flag Football. I loved the competition, seeing what I was capable of, and how hard I could push myself. In college, I found an interest in Powerlifting. Powerlifting taught me a lot about discipline. Like Swimming or Track & Field, Powerlifting is an individual sport. The only person who can show up to train every day, push themselves through challenges, and repeat the same thing over and over again is you. Having that kind of discipline is difficult and you usually can't maintain that kind of focus 24/7. But what I found helpful in motivating myself to show up every day, was making it fun and something to look forward to. Often we see working out as a chore and an annoyance. Sometimes it will feel like a chore, but showing up is what matters. My drive as a coach is when you come to my class, no matter how you got there or how you feel about being there, you will leave better than how you came. As kids, we looked forward to "working out" every day when we played sports or had recess. As adults, I think coming to the gym can bring us that same joy and excitement each time we show up for ourselves.

Turning Point

Insecurity has been and always will be my mortal enemy. Insecurity makes me hyper-fixate on how successful I am, how I look, how I come across, how strong I am, or how funny I am. I always wonder, did I do that right, could I have done it better, should I have done it at all? It's exhausting! I don't have an answer on how to get rid of insecurity but I have found ways to combat it. When I feel myself getting into an insecure rut, I try to remind myself of the things that truly matter like friends, family, passions, health, and happiness. I remember the things in life that aren't impacted by how funny you are or if you could have done something at work better. At its core, insecurity is simply fear of the unknown and the uncomfortable, and as PT Barnum once said "Comfort is the enemy of progress".

Motivation & Passion

My purpose for coaching is to help and support those that may just need that extra person in their corner. I know what it feels like to not feel motivated to work out, to not feel like you have a direction in your fitness, or to simply not know what you're doing in the gym. My goal as a coach is to do more than lead you through a workout. If it's been a long day and you are dreading a workout, I want to bring the energy you need to get through it. If there's a movement or skill that you're not comfortable with, I want to bring unique and fun variations so you that you never feel left out. If you ever need someone to hold you accountable or push you to work a little bit harder, I want to be the person standing beside you, making sure that you show up 100%. I know what it feels like in your shoes. I want to be the coach that helps you become the athlete you want to be.

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